You have experienced trauma just by being raised in a patriarchal society and by being born from a woman’s body that had lived through different types of patriarchal conditioning. When healing trauma, many find they are caught in the triangle...
Pele is a Hawaiian goddess of fire, volcanoes, lightning, jealousy, anger, rage, and the sister wound. Her sister and sea goddess, Namaka, pursued Pele across the sea and destroyed her on the Big Island of Hawaii where it is said …
In the Wheel of the Year, Beltane is celebrated on the first day of May with this midway point between Spring and Summer. Many times, it is associated with May Day and the tradition of the May Pole, representing the …
Why is Pluto in Aquarius such a big deal? In this episode, we look at the planet of transformation, regeneration, secret obsessions, soul growth and soul obligation. As Pluto travels to 0°Aquarius and then retrogrades back into Capricorn, this is …
In this week’s episode, April shares a Spell to remove anxiety, stress and sadness. If you have anything heavy in your heart or mind, this spell will help you remove any discomfort. Please do not leave your candle unattended and …
In the Major Arcana of the Tarot, The Empress is the embodiment of the divine feminine creative matrix. She represents the trinity; the maiden, the mother, and the crone, the three fold goddess of eternal creation. In this episode we …
Frigg is Queen of Asgard and the wife of the Norse God, Odin. Her attributes include love, marriage, motherhood, sexuality, fertility and prophecy. In this episode, April shares the story of the death of Frigg’s son, Balder, by way of …
Season 2 is launching with the Celtic New Year, the Astrological New Year and the Spring Equinox. This is the first of the eight fire festivals in the Wheel of the Year. This is the time where we see the …