Day of the Dead, (Dia De Los Muertos) is a holiday that originated in Mexico to celebrate family, both the living and the dead. Decorating skulls, marigolds, inviting deceased family members to dine with the living, and enjoying the last …
Did you play the game, Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board when you were growing up? The earliest record of this game was from 1665 from a passage in a diary of Samuel Pepys, a British naval administrator …
How did you invoke Bloody Mary when you were a child? What is the folklore and do you really know who was the real Bloody Mary? There are many myths about how to invoke Bloody Mary by chanting in a …
How do you move energy through your body? In this week’s episode, the witches discuss how you can manipulate energy and learn how to control it in your Magickal work. Moving energy is an embodiment practice that can be felt …
What does hair represent in your spellwork and offerings? In this week’s episode, the witches answer a listener’s question about using hair in your Magickal practice. Why is there a difference between hair that has fallen out naturally, as in …
Hekate, the Goddess of the Underworld, is known as being an herbalist. A lot of devotees will plant entire gardens full of specific plants to work with this goddess in the realm of Pharmakeia. Pharmakeia and witchcraft are used together …
The Devil card in the tarot may not be as scary as some might assume it to be. For a lot of people, The Devil has a negative connotation, when really this card is about empowerment. The Devil can be …
In this week’s podcast episode, we explore the qualities and relationships of the root chakra. There is some debate whether sexual energy is connected to this chakra. Where do you feel your sexual energy in your chakra system? Can the …
Marie Laveau was known as the Voodoo Queen. Aspects to her practice include, Mamba, Witch, Root Worker, Vodun, Hoodoo, and conjure work. She was a master herbalist and helped heal her community through many epidemics of yellow fever. In her …
Ix Chel was worshipped by the ancient Mayans as an iconic triple goddess. She was a goddess of the moon, fertility, weaving, magic, healing, sexuality, and child birth. She had the power to weave all of creation into existence. Her …
In this week’s episode, we take a look at our bodies as a mirror of the seasons of the earth and the moon, the two feminine celestial bodies. Through a woman's body you can look at your entire lifecycle to …
The Hand of Glory was a magical talisman that was popular in the eighteenth century in Northern Europe. It was an actual hand taken from criminals who had been hung. Witches and practitioners of the art would cut off a …
Vesta, also known as Hestia in Greek mythology, is the goddess of the hearth, the keeper of the sacred flame, and also the guardian of your home and community. She is a goddess that keeps the sacred fires going in …
Lughnasadh is a cross quarter sabbat in the Wheel of the Year. This holiday is celebrated on August 1st, the closest full moon or when Leo is at 15°. Throughout Paganism, the first harvest is celebrated midway between Summer Solstice …
Was Rhiannon a Welsh Goddess of the Moon, a real person, a witch, a Fairy Queen, or sister to Brigid? With so many variations of stories and myths, Rhiannon’s essence still reaches the hearts of many women today. Join April, …
Hel is a Norse Goddess who is the daughter of Loki and a giant. According to a prophecy that has been lost over time, Hel was forced by the God, Odin, into Helheim, the underworld, a place where you would …
Venus has a long retrograde this summer in the astrological sign of Leo. Venus is a planet that represents your feminine energy and how you share socially, how you like to receive love, what you find beautiful, your self-worth and …
What does the path of a solitary witch look like? A lot of people are drawn to witchcraft but wish to practice alone and not in a coven. How would you start building a foundation of your witchy practice? Do …
What messages do you receive in your dreams? In this episode, April, Harmony and Maggie explore the world of dreams, astral travel and past life memory that can all be a part of the dream time. Discover what people, dreams, …
Summer solstice, also known as Litha, is the highest point that the sun will be and is the longest day of the year. At this time of year, witches come together to celebrate through bonfires at the top of hills, …
One of the oldest forms of divination is scrying which is divining messages through a reflective surface. 2000 years ago in the ancient world, the upper echelon of society would use a circular piece of black obsidian to scry. The …
How do you invoke the goddess in your life? There's so many ways to invoke the goddess whether it be rituals, ceremony, daily prayer, meditation, using past life memories or spending time on your altars. The goddess is always with …
Eris is known as the goddess of chaos and discord and she is the sister to Aries, the god of war. She fights against oppression and is known for shadow work, fear, and fighting for collective shadow. Her most famous …
Pamela Coleman Smith, nicknamed “Pixie,” was a British artist responsible for every single illustration on all seventy-eight cards of the A.E. Waite and Rider Tarot Deck. She was involved heavily in the 1920s Suffragist movement in London. She...