Reclaim your divine feminine birthright and heal with ancestral wisdom, self-love, and sacred sexuality.
May 9, 2023

S2 Ep8: Madame Pele

S2 Ep8: Madame Pele

Pele is a Hawaiian goddess of fire, volcanoes, lightning, jealousy, anger, rage, and the sister wound. Her sister and sea goddess, Namaka, pursued Pele across the sea and destroyed her on the Big Island of Hawaii where it is said Madame Pele,...

Pele is a Hawaiian goddess of fire, volcanoes, lightning, jealousy, anger, rage, and the sister wound. Her sister and sea goddess, Namaka, pursued Pele across the sea and destroyed her on the Big Island of Hawaii where it is said Madame Pele, otherwise known as Tutu Pele, dwells in the one of the most active volcanoes on the earth today.


Her name means, “she who shapes the sacred land.” Pele is destructive, impulsive and volatile, yet she creates land with her lava flow when she decides to blow. She is currently an urban legend and she has been sighted often near volcanic craters and near her home of Kilauea.


Pele is a spirit who teaches us to honor the land and the spirits that protect the land. She is a grandmother who lovingly cares for the islands of her creation. She is the element of fire and expresses with seduction, anger and intensity. Her protection and heart fuel the land and the people of the islands to this day.


Join April, Harmony and Maggie as they share the medicine of Pele and address the sister wound of jealousy.


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