Reclaim your divine feminine birthright and heal with ancestral wisdom, self-love, and sacred sexuality.
Sept. 19, 2023

S2 Ep27: The Devil in the Tarot

The Devil card in the tarot may not be as scary as some might assume it to be. For a lot of people, The Devil has a negative connotation, when really this card is about empowerment. The Devil can be a card for healing and  ancestral projects. Why...

The Devil card in the tarot may not be as scary as some might assume it to be. For a lot of people, The Devil has a negative connotation, when really this card is about empowerment. The Devil can be a card for healing and  ancestral projects.

Why are you giving your power away to a construct, a belief system, ancestral stuff that you have carried through your lineage, or 5000 years of patriarchy? When you learn the deeper energy of this card, it will help you to identify the chains that bind you so that you can slip out of the paradigms that no longer serve you. Identify where you feel disempowered so that you no longer need to play by the old rules of your conditioning.

Happy Fall Equinox!!! Let’s feel into the balance that is held within The Devil Card as it vibrates with the energy of “6” for peace and harmony.

Mabon, Fall Equinox Episode, here.

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