Reclaim your divine feminine birthright and heal with ancestral wisdom, self-love, and sacred sexuality.
July 25, 2023

S2 Ep19: Rhiannon

S2 Ep19: Rhiannon

Was Rhiannon a Welsh Goddess of the Moon, a real person, a witch, a Fairy Queen, or sister to Brigid? With so many variations of stories and myths, Rhiannon’s essence still reaches the hearts of many women today. Join April, Harmony and Maggie as...

Was Rhiannon a Welsh Goddess of the Moon, a real person, a witch, a Fairy Queen, or sister to Brigid? With so many variations of stories and myths, Rhiannon’s essence still reaches the hearts of many women today. Join April, Harmony and Maggie as they discuss one of the stories of Rhiannon and how she carried out her unusual punishment for a crime that she did not commit. 

Rhiannon was falsely accused of killing her child and the heir to the throne. She was ruled guilty and carried out her sentence of being tied to a horse’s block and telling those who passed by that she birthed and ate her own son. She was also to offer rides on her back to the castle doors to anyone who wished. Why would a goddess accept and carry out this punishment? 

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