One of the oldest forms of divination is scrying which is divining messages through a reflective surface. 2000 years ago in the ancient world, the upper echelon of society would use a circular piece of black obsidian to scry. The Greeks would also use...
One of the oldest forms of divination is scrying which is divining messages through a reflective surface. 2000 years ago in the ancient world, the upper echelon of society would use a circular piece of black obsidian to scry. The Greeks would also use hydromancy, reading messages in water. At about 3000 B.C.E., the Babylonians began to scry messages in lamp oil.
Scrying has been used by many mystics, diviners and psychics, including Queen Elizabeth’s court astronomer, John Dee and his assistant Edward Kelley. Scrying can be used for mediumship, connecting with loved ones on the other side, past lives, connecting with ancestors and different dimensions. You can use a candle and a soft gaze to relax your vision to see messages in the mirror.
Join April, Harmony and Maggie as they share the history, uses, and personal stories of scrying.
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