Reclaim your divine feminine birthright and heal with ancestral wisdom, self-love, and sacred sexuality.
July 19, 2022

S1 Ep:5 Sophia, Divine Feminine Archetype

Sophia, A Divine Feminine Archetype   Join April, Harmony, and Maggie as they introduce Sophia as part of the Holy Trinity according to the ancient Gnostic Christian sect. Learn more about this hidden and ancient Goddess as Mother of all Creation...

Sophia, A Divine Feminine Archetype


Join April, Harmony, and Maggie as they introduce Sophia as part of the Holy Trinity according to the ancient Gnostic Christian sect. Learn more about this hidden and ancient Goddess as Mother of all Creation and how important she is for the cultivation of the Divine Feminine in our modern culture that has been ruled by patriarchy for thousands of years.


Who is Sophia?

April explains that the Greek word for wisdom is Sophia. In the Gnostic interpretation of the holy Trinity, it was the father, God, the mother, Sophia, the holy spirit and the child, Jesus. The gnostics were eradicated by the Roman Emperor and their teachings were hid in the Qumran Caves for two thousand years. Sophia shows up years later in the Renaissance period, depicted as the Queen of Heaven. Sophia’s modern interpretation according to Harmony is the Divine Mother of all Life even as we are shifting to accept a genderless creator with a balance between the divine masculine and the divine feminine.

Sophia, the Great Mother

Out of the darkness, a great goddess according to the ancient Babylonians was born from the primordial chaos. She was a multi headed dragon that dates even farther back from the earliest record of Sophia. Now as we enter into the Age of Aquarius, humanity is moving into a global family consciousness. Sophia shows up in modern consciousness as the divine feminine to rekindle and ignite the birthing process of the new age. Maggie shares a definition of feminine and masculine energy to give context to ways we experience feminine energy in our society.