Are you familiar with the story of Hansel and Gretel and Cinderella and have you heard of Baba Yaga, known as “The Hag of Terror,” the trickster, the villain and the savior? In this episode, find out the myths and stories from thousands of years...
Are you familiar with the story of Hansel and Gretel and Cinderella and have you heard of Baba Yaga, known as “The Hag of Terror,” the trickster, the villain and the savior? In this episode, find out the myths and stories from thousands of years ago of the old ogre in the woods who has a magical cabin that sprouts chicken legs to replant itself in different locations. The fear and evil of the hag who eats children may have been true in some cases but only when she was provoked.
Explore the witch wound of the fierce female protectress. How has the witch been demonized by church propaganda to keep women from exploring their power? Enjoy the story of the ogre, the witch in the woods, the protectress of the other world and the hag that eats children. April, Harmony and Maggie also address a listener’s question about yearning for sisterhood.
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