Reclaim your divine feminine birthright and heal with ancestral wisdom, self-love, and sacred sexuality.
Oct. 31, 2022

S1 Ep21: Samhain

In this week’s episode, April, Harmony & Maggie dive into the history and origins of Samhain, also known as Halloween. Discover the history of trick-or-treating, costumes, the Day of the Dead (All Saints Day) and sacred sex on this day. Explore...

In this week’s episode, April, Harmony & Maggie dive into the history and origins of Samhain, also known as Halloween. Discover the history of trick-or-treating, costumes, the Day of the Dead (All Saints Day) and sacred sex on this day. Explore how to celebrate this holiday as a modern day witch.

Trick-or-treating and going door-to-door originated in Ireland. Children would sing songs for people’s dead ancestors and the neighbors would give the children little cakes in exchange for their songs. They would also wear costumes that could protect you from being seen by the dead on the other side and also hide you from the fairies and supernatural beings. 

Some of the history brought to the surface in this episode is of the lover’s union between the God, Dagda and The Morrigan, a Celtic goddess. The sacred sex between these two always occurred on October 31st.

Celebrate Samhain today with decorating altars, blessings, fire festivals, certain herbs, colors, the practice of mediumship and divining. Tags us in your Instagram posts so we can share you Samhain celebrations!


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