Did you know that the oldest, most ancient, authentic, simplistic form of invocation and supplication to the Gods is prayer. All witchcraft, spell work and everything that we have today started with the basic 101 of prayer. Early records of people...
Did you know that the oldest, most ancient, authentic, simplistic form of invocation and supplication to the Gods is prayer. All witchcraft, spell work and everything that we have today started with the basic 101 of prayer. Early records of people trying to appease the gods or even making offerings is how ritual and ceremony was created with the idea that we leave something for the deity or for the person that we're trying to get the attention from so that we can find favor with them.
We can look at a spell and prayer as the same thing. Spell crafting is adding the craft practice to the prayer work, and together you're creating a manifestation. Ultimately, prayer, spell work, and manifesting are the same thing, and they work together like a weave. Being in the right place within yourself before doing spell work and really getting honest with yourself to how you feel about the other people in your life is how you energetically practice spell work.
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