Have you ever heard the story of Lilith? Join April, Harmony and Maggie as they talk about how Lilith was shunned, hidden and demonized. This biblical goddess is making a resurgence into main stream consciousness as one of the first divine feminine...
Have you ever heard the story of Lilith? Join April, Harmony and Maggie as they talk about how Lilith was shunned, hidden and demonized. This biblical goddess is making a resurgence into main stream consciousness as one of the first divine feminine archetypes. Thankfully, the ancient Nag Hammadi scrolls that have recently resurfaced from their historical hiding place shed truth and light into her story.
The Story of Lilith:
Lilith has been referenced in the Kabbalah, the old testament, and in the Nag Hammadi scrolls. According to the Bible and ancient texts, Lilith was the first woman created out of the same dirt as Adam, the first man, or as another story tells it, taken from the skull bone of Adam. She no longer wanted to lay beneath Adam when having sex so Adam complained to God and she was banished from the Garden of Eden. Of course, it is under debate if Adam and Lilith were truly the first people on Earth because Lilith was banished to the land of Nod and there were people already living there.
Thrown into the Shadows:
One of the earliest Witch Wounds was being banished for not wanting to have sex on the bottom. Lilith continued to be demonized as her story was removed from Biblical texts and she appears next in Medieval times where she is portrayed as the wife of Lucifer, the Devil. Lilith stood up for what she believed was equality and fairness. She has been thrown into the shadows for centuries but she is re-surging into mainstream pop culture and she should be honored as a divine feminine archetype.
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