How does Maman Brigitte come into existence through the transatlantic slave trade? The Celtic Goddess, Brigid, travels with the Irish indentured servants and slaves at the same time the Haitians are coming to America. The amalgamation of their...
Why was this American Goddess forgotten and have we damaged ourselves in doing so when we left her behind? Did we leave part of ourselves behind? Columbia represented the concept and idea of the birth of what was once a beautiful, new, incredible...
Join April and Maggie as they address a listener’s question about a Goddess with one eye open and one eye sewn shut. Explore the power of sight in the physical and metaphysical realms as the witches explore the Graea, Lamia, and Manasa, who are all...
Have you contemplated the sentience of magick? You never needed anyone to interpret the divine for you. Interpretation of the the divine feminine for yourself is a part of your path to your purpose as a healer and as a witch. Your desire to address...
As we celebrate this magnificent moment of no time and no space, April and Maggie share a gift of a Reverse Crescent Moon tarot spread. Dive into the magick of this sacred season and explore the art of creating a spread and activating the different...
Slither with the interaction between witches and serpents historically and the role of the Serpent in society. Snake medicine has always been attributed to wisdom, healing and transformation. Many people have an underlying fear of the serpent and is...
What does it take to become a Goddess or a Pagan Saint? Join April and Maggie in a philosophical discussion on how a deity can be created through conscious decisions of those alive on this planet through worship, honoring, remembering and sharing with...
Temperance is the Major Arcana card in the Tarot that helps with alchemical magick. This card is represented by the balance of fire and water and how one can become empowered by working with the elements and the natural laws of the Universe. How do...
Kali Ma, known as the Dark Mother and the Divine Mother, is a Hindu goddess. She is a fierce goddess of destruction and death as she is seen fighting demons and tearing down the fabric of creation. She is depicted as having skin like the milky way and...
Dive into the heat of the Trojan war and the Greek pantheon of gods and goddesses. Here we find the priestess, Cassandra, a princess who has the gift of prophecy. She has one hundred percent accuracy of her prophecies. However, no one believes...
As the veil starts to thin, we turn to our witch’s tool box of divination and dowsing. Connecting with our gifts, whether through spirit, our ancestors, the higher self, and the goddess, is part of the path of the divinatory witch. Dowsing is an...
After Gilgamesh turns down the advances of the Goddess Innana, she sends the Bull of Heaven to destroy him. However, the Bull of Heaven is killed during an epic seven day battle. Innana decides to descend to the underworld to talk with her sister,...
Take a walk with the witches in Colonial American history, Joan Wright, Alse Young, Dorothy Good, Mary Johnson, John and Joan Carrington, Rebecca and Nathaniel Greensmith. Joan Wright, also known as the “Surry Witch,” is the first known woman...
Your body is a temple, so why not decorate it? Discover why witches love tattoos to cultivate or embody an energy signature. Consciously choosing your tattoos for your magickal practice allows one to integrate the energy of what the tattoo means to...
Did you know that every year thousands of indigenous women go missing or are murdered? Furthermore, very few talking about this and know about the importance of sharing this information and raising awareness for women. Why is the movement symbolized...
In this season opener, we are returning to ancient Mesopotamia where we see Lilith for the first time in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Her name is Lilitu and she is hanging in the Goddess, Inanna’s holopo tree with a serpent and an Anzu bird. Lilitu is a...