Hecate is a Greek Goddess who rules liminal space, crossroads, thresholds, cemeteries, spirits, life, death, transitions, herbalism and magic. She is primarily a Moon Goddess and also shows herself as a triple goddess and Queen of the Witches, and she...
Who is the Bell Witch and why is she still haunting with poltergeist activity in Adams, Tennessee? The Bell Witch was named after a haunted house owned by John Bell in the early twentieth century. April shares her story of …
What are the gateways of initiation for a Womb Priestess? Whether you want to be a Priestess or if you just want to cultivate the divine feminine energy in your life, this episode shares eleven different ways to actively work …
Imbolc is one of the Sabbats that is celebrated by witches and pagans in the Wheel of the Year. This is the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Candles are traditionally lit to honor the returning of the …
Do you know why your womb is a cauldron of manifestation? In this episode, Harmony shares the energy behind the womb, what a womb priestess is, and why everyone on the planet needs womb healing. A womb priestess vows to …
This episode comes with a specific trigger warning not to listen if you are sensitive to violent abuse against women. Did you know there are current modern day witch hunts in our world and women who are not even treated …
Cerridwen is a sixth century sorceress who becomes a well-known historical Welsh goddess. She is married to a giant and has two children when she decides to create a potion of all-knowing omnipotence and magic. Intended for her son, she …
Exploring your shadow side can be scary, hard and daunting, but discovering the shadow of the feminine and how that expresses itself is actually a safe and healthy practice to have in our lives. It's not as scary as what …
The Goddess and God, Nut and Geb, are parents to five important Egyptian Gods and Goddesses including Osiris, Horus, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. Join us as we explore how Nut was able to overcome a curse from Ra to birth …
Happy Solstice! How are you celebrating Winter Solstice during this portal of time where the sun stands still for three days? Are you going to do a spiral ceremony? Carve, paint and burn a Yule log? Light a candle, dance …
Did you know there was Christmas Witch that an entire country celebrates? In this weeks episode we will explore the folklore of La Befana, the Italian Witch who visits children on Epiphany Eve filling stockings with baked goods and sweet …
Are you familiar with the story of Hansel and Gretel and Cinderella and have you heard of Baba Yaga, known as “The Hag of Terror,” the trickster, the villain and the savior? In this episode, find out the myths and …
There are two goddesses in the Greek and Roman pantheon that are primarily seen as blindfolded; Fortuna and Themis. Fortuna has a cornucopia with coins, fruits, vegetables and all kinds of earthly possessions pouring out. Fortuna is also blindfolded...
The Triple Goddess was known to the ancient Celts as the Morrigan. She was a member of the Tuatha Dé Danaan, the fairy people of ancient Ireland. Has the archetype of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone been fragmented by the …
The discussion of 13, Covens and the Horned God continues in this week’s episode as we explore the difference between the Horned God and the Devil. Learn how the word Coven is carried through the witch hunts, familial witchcraft, 20th …
Discover the history of Covens, the number thirteen and the Horned God in this week’s episode. The modern day interpretation holds more fear than was originally intended. 13 is a sacred and lucky number and also roots back into the …
In this week’s episode, April, Harmony & Maggie dive into the history and origins of Samhain, also known as Halloween. Discover the history of trick-or-treating, costumes, the Day of the Dead (All Saints Day) and sacred sex on this day. …
Join April, Harmony and Maggie as they share supernatural stories with a green witch, a mysterious doll, and a beautiful woman who offered her protection. What wakes you up in the night? As we approach Samhain and the thinning of …
Did you know that the veil between the world of the living and the dead is thinning? As we approach Samhain, the Witches New Year, also known as Halloween, join April, Harmony and Maggie as they discuss mediumship, the thinning …
The first rule of witchcraft is, “First, do no harm.” What you put out, you will receive tenfold. So intention is very important when you think of every thought and every word that you speak as being a spell. Spell …
Did you know that the oldest, most ancient, authentic, simplistic form of invocation and supplication to the Gods is prayer. All witchcraft, spell work and everything that we have today started with the basic 101 of prayer. Early records of …
Learn the Wheel of the Year and how to live your life intentionally through the different seasons and phases that the earth cycles through and that our bodies cycle through. April, Harmony, and Maggie discuss the eight major celebrations for …
Are you ready to celebrate the Fall Equinox? Join April, Harmony and Maggie for a special episode to celebrate Mabon. How are you going to celebrate this year as Mama Luna takes reign over the mantle of light and we …
Join April, Harmony and Maggie as they discuss the motivation of witches in relationship to the light and the dark, good and evil, positive and negative intent. What would motivate a witch to use dark magic or dance with the …